Dear Friends, I have learned SO much over the last twenty years! And, I am SO grateful for my experiences – because they now allow me to help YOU on your path to HEALTH & WELLNESS. I firmly … Read more...

3-Time Cancer Survivor - Wellness Advocate - Cancer Coach - Best-Selling Author
I’m SO happy you’ve found me. I’m a lawyer, educator, businesswoman, survivor, and motivator!
After surviving 3 DIFFERENT CANCERS, it became clear to me that because of my experiences,
I now possess vital information that I am compelled to share with others.
I had heard it all: I was “too young for cancer” and a healthy, athletic, slim, non-smoking vegetarian when I was first diagnosed 20 years ago with colon cancer. During the next decade, while recuperating not only from the cancer but from the chemotherapy and radiation as well, I also developed skin cancer. And to top it all off, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008. I was not prepared for my first cancer, I was better prepared for my second and I was firmly prepared for my third. Because, I did my homework. I studied. I researched. I know what it takes to survive. And, the full benefit of my knowledge lies within the tools of this website.
Personally and professionally, I have taken many wrong turns and I have jumped through every hoop. And because I’ve already experienced the problems and confusion — my hope is that you don’t have to. I’ve learned the lessons necessary for survival — and I am here to share them with you. I am a WELLNESS ADVOCATE. A WARRIOR. I know how to FIGHT. I have combined 20 YEARS of cancer experience with my background in PSYCHOLOGY and my skills as an ATTORNEY to become a BEST-SELLING AUTHOR. I write for YOU in the hope that YOU will learn from my mistakes and benefit from my knowledge.
Dear Friends, I have learned SO much over the last twenty years! And, I am SO grateful for my experiences – because they now allow me to help YOU on your path to HEALTH & WELLNESS. I firmly … Read more...
You know, there’s more to Health and Wellness than just the information we receive from the Internet, or Facebook, or the Nightly News. Yes, it’s important to be informed. In fact, I always say, … Read more...
I AM HERE FOR YOU. I can show you the way. I can teach you how to be your own ACTIVIST. I can show you the proper STRATEGY. I can help you to help yourself. One step at a time. Together we will … Read more...
WOMEN IN HISTORY AND HEALTH Welcome Back Everyone ~ We're continuing with our Four-Part Series on WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH, and today we’re profiling three more women in the fields of Science and Medicine – Women whose contributions and dedication changed the way Healthcare is practiced in and delivered to the world today. I’m happy to present this week’s HEROINES OF HEALTHCARE – Enjoy and be Inspired! ELIZABETH BLACKWELL Born in England in 1821, Elizabeth Blackwell moved with her family to the United States at an early age. She began her professional career as a teacher. But when a life-long friend of Elizabeth’s became terminally ill and told Elizabeth there was no female doctor in whom she could confide, Elizabeth decided to fill the void. The road to becoming a doctor for a woman in the 1800s was not an easy one. Elizabeth joined a handful of other women and studied … [Read More...]
Fun, Fierce, Fabulous Advice Inspired by the Animated Icon
As many of you know, I also work with my husband, Mark Fleischer, at our family-owned company, Fleischer Studios. We own and merchandise several cartoon characters that were created by Mark’s grandfather, the celebrated animator Max Fleischer. And one of those characters is our beloved Betty Boop.
I just LOVED writing this book! Working with my co-author, Kristi Ling Spencer (who is also our Director of Publicity of Fleischer Studios) was a blast. We took several important life lessons from Betty’s old cartoons and wrote about them in our book, including chapters on Independence, Love, Courage, Respect and Health – all those good things that we all need right now.
I’m so happy that my short story, KISSES FROM LADY, has been published in the new book, CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL – LISTEN TO YOUR DREAMS. I’ve always loved the CHICKEN SOUP books and I’m thrilled to be a part of the CHICKEN SOUP family.
These books are always filled with inspiring and uplifting messages of every kind. My particular story is about my first sweet dog Lady and me, and our journey together. The world is filled with unexpected and confusing changes and challenges, so if you’re ready for a few small #Miracles & a bit of #Magic, please come with me and check this new book out. Our souls could all use a little chicken soup right now, and this book serves it up with loads of love, insight, and inspiration!
I’m so happy that my short story, A MOTHER'S MESSAGE, has been published in the new book, CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL – MIRACLES, ANGELS, & MESSAGES FROM HEAVEN I’ve always loved the CHICKEN SOUP books and I’m thrilled to be a part of the CHICKEN SOUP family.
These books are always filled with inspiring and uplifting messages of every kind. The world is filled with unexpected and confusing changes and challenges, so if you’re ready for a few small #Miracles & a bit of #Magic, please come with me and check this new book out. Our souls could all use a little chicken soup right now, and this book serves it up with loads of love, insight, and inspiration!
Hi Everyone! I’m so happy to offer you my new eBook ALL GOOD THINGS FOOD AND FLAVOR. This little book is a collection of the most popular Blogs from my Website and WHAT’S ON THE MENU MONDAY. In it you will find lots of tips for the healthiest foods you can eat all year ‘round! I’ve even included a recipe or two. So, please enjoy the read and as the title says, Fight Cancer, Be Healthy and Live Longer.
Our best Defense against Cancer is to Prevent it in the first place. To that end, I have made available this little Free eBook: EMPOWERED PREVENTION that contains some very simple Tips and Tricks that will help you get started on your PERSONAL PREVENTION PROGRAM. Remember, when at all possible Don’t Be Surprised – Be Prepared!
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