HAPPY NEW YEAR Everyone and WELCOME to the first What’s on the #MENU MONDAY of 2016!
January, of course, signals the end of the holiday season and the beginning of a new cycle filled with expectations, opportunities, hopes and dreams. But, the end of the holiday season also can signal a period of feeling let down and depressed. After all, the Christmas tree and poinsettias are now sitting in the gutter by the street, the lights are all packed away, the gifts have all been opened, the great holiday treats have all been consumed (clearly evidenced by the scale in the bathroom and the fit of last year’s jeans), the seasonal music has ceased and the parties are over.
The shopping is done, the holiday cooking for family and friends is finished, the greeting cards are no longer sent or received and the months of preparation, anticipation, excitement and great fun are over! Wow. No wonder we can feel a little blue when the December holidays come to an end.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, this phenomenon is VERY COMMON. In fact, it’s discussed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition – or the DSM-IV for short — a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association. Now, this manual is a classification of all currently recognized mental health disorders. And, right in there with all the other disorders you will find holiday blues, or holiday depression, or post-Christmas blues – defined as “the mental distress occurring after the winter holidays and festival season.”
So, you see – you’re not alone! And, it’s not all in your head! There actually is a biological factor that comes into play with the post-holiday blues. In fact, this end-of-season letdown is similar to a very mild bipolar cycle called cyclothymic or a “cycle of feeling.” When we are in the midst of the holiday planning process – and all that it entails – we are excited! Our adrenalin and other super-charged chemicals are pumping with all the mental and physical activity of the holiday build-up. And, when the holiday is over these chemicals dissipate and our bodies are left with the normal, not so fun, much less exciting chemicals of ordinary, everyday life, which by comparison can be rather bland.
The good news is that we can do something about it. We can change those feelings of disappointment, depression and sadness so many of us feel this time of year and turn our emotions around. And, the really good news is that we can do it by eating! That’s right. EatingJ
So, let’s get started by listing 6 Flavorful Foods to Turn Your Post-Holiday BLUES Into BLISS:
- FRUIT: When it comes to healthy eating, the natural companion of our go-to veggie is always fruit. Citrus fruit in particular. And, the really important component here are the flavonoids found in fruits like oranges and grapefruits. Remember, flavonoids are antioxidant compounds that may lower the risk of many health related issues, including cardiovascular disease and cancers. Moreover, flavonoids have been found to inhibit the symptoms of mild depression
- FISH: Certain varieties of fish are loaded with essential oils called omega-3 fatty acids. Now, research has shown that omega-3 can alleviate several mental disorders, including schizophrenia. It can significantly improve our mood, lessen irritability and decrease depression. And, some of the best sources of omega-3 can be found in anchovies, sardines, mackerel and wild salmon. There must be one fish here that appeals to you!
- NUTS & SEEDS: But, just in case you don’t like fish, why not try eating nuts and seeds instead? You see, omega-3 fatty acids are found in a variety of these foods as well, including walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts and flaxseed. In addition, many nuts and seeds like cashews, almonds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds are packed with lots of B vitamins. Similar to omega-3, the “Bs” can help increase a positive mood and decrease our chances of falling into a depression.
- TEA: We’re all familiar with the soothing qualities of a hot cup of tea on a hectic day. And, it’s not imagined or just in our heads. You see, tea also contains wonderful flavonoids. And, these flavonoids stimulate parts of the brain that produce a feeling of relaxation. There really is a chemical component to the relaxing cup of tea. Among the different teas, green tea brewed the old fashioned way and herbal teas such as chamomile are great for inducing that feeling of mental and physical relaxation. A cup of hot tea can decrease anxiety and increase an overall sense of well-being.
- OLIVE OIL: Yes, olive oil has become one of the new super foods. And, with good reason. It too contains an abundance of omega-3 fatty acids. Once again, omega-3 is a good-mood enhancer. A big dose of olive oil every day mixed with your salads and vegetables can decrease irritability and lessen your risk of falling into a depressive state.
- CHOCOLATE: Yep, this is the one you’ve been waiting for. The ever popular chocolate. And, research has confirmed what most of us already know. Eating chocolate makes us feel good! You see, chocolate contains ingredients that signal the brain to release the feel-good chemical dynamic duo of serotonin and endorphins. It also contains methylxanthine, which inhibits the body’s tendency to fall into a depression or deflated mood. As always, the darker the chocolate the greater the health benefit. But, no one needs the weight gain or the guilt that goes with it, so try to limit yourself to one small piece of chocolate a day 🙂
And, there we have 6 great foods to help you enjoy the New Year in a Good Mood and in Good Health! Incorporate them into your daily diet and see if you notice a difference in your overall mental well-being. Because remember, POSITIVITY creates POSSIBILITY. Give yourself every opportunity to make all your wonderful resolutions for 2016 come true!
Later this month, we’ll continue our discussion of seasonal depression and the techniques that can help prevent it. But for now, thanks for joining me everyone and until next time,
Image courtesy of mrsiraphol at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
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