Welcome to WELLNESS WEDNESDAY everyone! With TWO GREAT TIPS to help you master your DIET and EXERCISE goals for the year!!
TIP #1: Drink your water! Good ol’ H2O keeps us hydrated! This is important because dehydration can result in headaches, low energy levels and general fatigue and tiredness. In addition, drinking at least 8 ounces of water eight times a day helps flush accumulated toxins and waste products from our bodies. Remember, depending upon our age and gender, our bodies already are composed of 50 to 75 percent water! Indeed, thirst is often mistaken for hunger — so nourishing ourselves with water throughout the day also will help us control our weight by eating less and making healthier food choices!
TIP #2: Add an exercise a day to your routine! Pick something you enjoy! A few stretches perhaps. A little Tai Chi. An easy mile on the treadmill. Arm lifts. Walking in place. Gardening. We’re not talking boot camp here! Remember, according to fitness guru Denise Austin, we only need 12 minutes a day to keep fit! AND, it doesn’t have to be 12 consecutive minutes — AND it doesn’t have to be strenuous! JUST MOVE! Just a little bit each day, depending upon your overall health and ability. It’s just like adding a fruit or vegetable to your diet each day. Keep it simple and keep it easy.
Because if you don’t overdo it — you’ll do it! And, you’ll look better and feel better as you move toward a healthier YOU!
Thanks everyone! Until next time…
Photo courtesy of Photostock at Freedigitalphotos.net
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