THE ASTOUNDINGLY AMAZING AVOCADO Welcome back to WHAT’S ON THE #MENUMONDAY everyone! Gosh, we’ve finished our five part series on Organic Produce – so now, why don’t we continue with a few facts about ONE of our TOP TEN BEST VEGGIES that we never have to buy organic – and one with great nutritional value […]
Meditation Inspiration
Bladder Cancer Facts to Know
It’s another #FACTUALFRIDAY everyone – and since July is Bladder Cancer Month – that will be our topic today! Now, the bladder is the organ than retains and releases urine – and is located in the middle of the abdomen. Cancer of the bladder affects both men and women, but it occurs: More frequently in […]
Supplements are Not Substitutes for Healthy Eating, and Some May Increase Cancer Risk
Happy #FACTUAL FRIDAY everyone! In this post, we’re going to discuss stunning research from the University of Colorado Cancer Center and its Director for Cancer Prevention and Control, Dr. Tim Byers. Now, we all know the importance of proper diet in maintaining our overall health and wellness — yet many of us rely on supplements […]
Colon Cancer Awareness – 5 Helpful Facts for Prevention and Wellness
Hello everyone and welcome to HEALTH AND #WELLNESS WEDNESDAY! I know we’ve discussed several topics regarding colon cancer recently, but because March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month, let’s visit it one more time — and re-cap with five great tips that will provide you with a “bottom-line” of information to help you stay healthy! 1) […]