Welcome everyone to 2017 and our first What’s On the #MENU MONDAY for the New Year. And, what better way to start this incredible year off than to review 5 OF THE BEST CANCER FIGHTING FOODS on the planet.
Now, I’ve survived three different cancers – and many of you have fought the Good Fight as well or know someone who is fighting it now. And, information that can help us in that Good Fight is tremendously important.
What’s more – today we’re discussing food. Really delicious food at that. These cancer fighting staples can be used in our daily diets in a variety of ways – and each sustains our immune system and promotes lasting health and well-being.
So, let’s get started with our TOP 5 FOOD CHOICES FOR 2017 TO HELP BEAT CANCER:
- BERRIES. There’s no surprise here. All berries are loaded with phytonutrients, which are powerful cancer fighting chemical compounds. Black raspberries, for example, contain high levels of phytochemicals called anthocyanins. These inhibit the growth of premalignant cells and prevent new blood vessels that may feed a tumor from forming. Blueberries, raspberries, cranberries and strawberries all contain antioxidants, which are vitamins and nutrients that slow the damaging oxidation process that leads to many cancers. Berries help fight esophageal, colon, oral and skin cancers. And, you only need half a cup per day of your favorite berry to benefit from its significant healthy properties.
- TOMATOES. This fruit – of if you prefer, veggie – is always on my list of the most beneficial health foods. Tomatoes are the best source of lycopene, an antioxidant that gives this fruit its rich red color. More importantly, lycopene is believed to protect against prostate, pancreatic and ovarian cancers. A lycopene-rich diet also may help prevent stomach cancer and lung cancer in nonsmokers. And, in a study published in Nutrition and Cancer lycopene was found to inhibit endometrial cancer cell growth in women. And, if you enjoy your tomatoes with pasta, cooked tomatoes increase the amount of lycopene your body is able to absorb.
- BEANS. Beans or legumes. Everything from black beans, to pinto beans, to garbanzo beans, to lentils, to soybeans, to black-eyed peas and more. These fiber rich, weight-friendly foods have long been known to protect against cancer in animals. But, they’re also powerful allies in the fight against cancer in humans. Beans are loaded with phytochemicals, which are the same cancer-fighting plant components found in berries. These phytochemicals include saponins, which can inhibit the reproduction of cancer cells and along with phytic acid, slow the growth of tumors. Protease inhibitors also slow the division of cancer cells and prevent tumors from releasing proteases, which are the substances that damage nearby healthy cells. Together these compounds help fight breast and colon cancer – and add enough protein to replace meat at any meal.
- GARLIC. Once again, this flavorful if somewhat odiferous food, is loaded with phytochemicals. In garlic, these compounds have been found to stop the formation of nitrosamines, which are carcinogens that form in the stomach and intestines. And this is very important because every time we eat nitrates – a common food preservative – we run the risk of developing these carcinogenic nitrosamines. Now, it appears that the anticancer effect of garlic seems to increase with the amount of garlic one consumes. And, the regular addition of garlic in one’s diet has been shown to reduce the development of colon, esophageal and stomach cancers. Indeed, a study from the Iowa Women’s Health Study found that women with the highest amounts of garlic in their diets had a 50 percent lower risk of developing colon cancer than women who ate the least. So, stay heavy on the garlic AND the breath mints – to keep yourself healthy and your friends happy 🙂
- BROCCOLI. All cruciferous veggies like cauliflower, cabbage and kale contain cancer fighting compounds. Broccoli, however, is the only one with a large amount of sulforaphane, which boosts the body’s protective enzymes and flushes out cancer-causing chemicals. Indeed, broccoli may help fight cancer by blocking the defective genes associated with tumor growth. The isothiocyanates or ITCs in broccoli target and block the mutant p53 genes that are linked to cancer growth. This veggie is believed to help prevent breast, liver, lung, prostate, skin, stomach and bladder cancers. So, make broccoli an everyday food choice by adding it to soups, salads, omelets and main dishes. Your body will thank you for it!
So, there we have 5 GREAT CANCER FIGHTING FOODS FOR 2017 AND BEYOND. They’re tasty, healthy and user-friendly in that they can be added easily to any meal any time of the day.
Let’s make 2017 our YEAR OF HEALTH. Let’s do everything we can to get healthy AND stay healthy. Because, there’s no doubt in my mind that health is our greatest asset – and without it, very little in life can be enjoyed and appreciated.
And with that thought, thanks again everyone for joining me. Until next time stay in GOOD HEALTH and . . .
Thank you for the article! Great info.