Hello everyone and Welcome to another WELLNESS WEDNESDAY.
We are in the midst of the holidays and, no doubt, you’re already busy with shopping, baking and planning for your holiday with friends and family.
It’s a very busy time of year. And, we can find ourselves being overwhelmed by the excitement and demands of the season. It’s easy to become stressed, anxious, short-tempered and impatient. And, when this happens, we not only become flustered ourselves but we sometimes also overlook the needs of those around us.
You see, the one thing we often forget is that when we feel stressed and anxious, it’s a sure bet that a lot of people around us feel the same way. Everyone has responsibilities. Everyone feels pressure during the holidays. And, everyone is struggling or suffering in one way or another.
Yet, there are simple things we can do that have the ability to soften the hard edges of a rough day for not only someone else, but for ourselves as well. And, it’s called Kindness – the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate.
It is well documented that performing acts of Kindness increases our levels of oxytocin, which is often referred to as the “love hormone.” When this hormone fires up, our self-esteem and optimism increase. Our blood pressure lowers and our heart health improves, a phenomenon called the “helper’s high.”
When we help others, our level of stress decreases. In fact, being kind can result in 23% less of the stress hormone cortisol in our system, which reduces anxiety and promotes feelings of wellbeing and a positive mood.
Engaging in acts of Kindness also reduces pain as such acts increase the production of endorphins, which are known as the brain’s natural painkiller.
And, Kindness stimulates the production of our “feel good” chemical, serotonin, which can calm us down, make us feel comfortable and increase our feelings of happiness.
Moreover, not only does the person extending Kindness benefit, but the person receiving the Kindness can be affected in the same positive way. Even those witnessing an act of Kindness from one to another will experience an increase in the production of their “love hormone” and will feel calmer, more peaceful and more content.
And, here are 7 SIMPLE ACTS OF KINDNESS you can practice during the Holidays and all year long to help others, help yourself and, quite simply, make the world a happier place.
- SAY THANK YOU. Don’t take anything for granted. Express your gratitude. Let people know you appreciate them and the things they do for you, whether those things are big or small. Be grateful.
- COMPLIMENT SOMEONE. Look for the positive in others. And, then say something about it. Does someone look particularly well or healthy? Have they just done something notable? Are they wearing a beautiful scarf? Are they walking an adorable dog? Tell them so. Let them know they are noticed and appreciated.
- HOLD THE DOOR OPEN. Such an old-fashioned, simple gesture, yet so powerful. No matter who you are, or what sex, or what age, hold the door open for the next person with the simple words, “After you, please.” The act will be remembered and, most likely, repeated.
- BUY ONE GIFT FOR A CHILD IN NEED. There are many who cannot afford to provide a holiday with all the extras for their families. Especially during this time of year, one small gift for a Wishing Tree, or a FireFighters Fund, can help make the holiday bright for a child in need.
- TREAT SOMEONE TO SOMETHING. Can you pay for someone else’s holiday wreath? Can you buy a coffee for the person behind you at the coffee bar? Will you take a hot chocolate or a cookie from the bakery to the person ringing the donation bell in the parking lot? These small acts of Kindness can make someone else feel truly special.
- LET ANOTHER CUT IN LINE. Yes, we’re all in a hurry. But, just try offering another person your place in line. Particularly if that person is older, struggling with packages or caring for children – or for no particular reason whatsoever. As hard as this may be, I guarantee the gesture will make you feel wonderful. Trust me. 😊
- SMILE. This is one of the most powerful things we can do. The physical act of smiling triggers the production of endorphins in our brain. We feel better. We feel happier. And, when
we smile at others, we encourage others to smile as well.
It’s an easy way to light someone up and brighten their day.
As the American-British author Henry James once wrote, “Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And, the third is to be kind.”
Kindness has an energy of its own. It creates good will, compassion, understanding and acceptance. It dissolves ill will, negativity, anger and resentment. It truly is the gift that keeps on giving – for the one giving and for the one receiving. And, what better time of year is there to practice Kindness than during the Holiday Season?
So, treat yourself and those around you to a healthy dose of Kindness. One simple act a day will do wonders for restoring the wonder in humankind and the world around us.
In closing, I Wish you all a Wonderful Holiday Season filled with Friends, Family, Fun and Festivities. Be Kind, be at Peace and be the Change you want to see in the world.
Thanks again for joining me everyone. Until next time stay in GOOD HEALTH and . . .
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